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Misunderstanding on the Intended use of TSC Email for Teachers

In recent days it has come to our attention that most teachers do not understand or did not understand the intended use of TSC email which they hade been activating in the last month.

Many minds are thus confused and are entering into a path that makes life for them difficult as it would require extra resources most to say cash in order to your new created thought.

First of all teachers its not healthy to think beyond the employer intended idea. The idea of uploading professional documents for TSC using the email where has it come from?

This thought process is toxic to you and you would spend most of time littering the email with those things that might not be useful.

Note that the intended purposes of this email is as follows:

  • Collaborating with fellow colleagues in broader perspective - this starts at school level where teachers can be organized as a staff to work a unit. Same teachers may also be organized at zonal levels using the same email. this mobility goes upwards in organization and collaboration. This collaboration may be for subject panels among others.

  • Organizing online training through the ministry, KICD, TSC support programmes as well as ICT integration. By using Teams Microsoft App TSC may or any other educational may organize support programmes for teachers while they are in school. This would help the organization cut on administrative costs as trainings may be done while teachers are in school. The teacher may not leave school to attend training outside school.

  • Monitoring performance on modules trained. In most instances the employer may carry out module teaching online where you may under lessons on pedagogical issues among others. after these lessons they may conduct tests on the understanding to help get feedback on areas of weakness. Note that certificates may be awarded upon completion of these modules. In recent times you have heard of teachers being employed on contract, so you completion of these modules will guarantee your renewal of your teaching license.

  • sharing ideas in a broader perspective within the teaching force. This is by forming groups to address various challenges and sending invites to teachers across the country to join. this is possible to join hands as a team.

  • Optional you may keep documents by the help of these email and access them anywhere, anytime at you own discretion.

  • Receiving official TSC communications e.g. transfer letters, show cause why letters, among others. Do yourself a favour that during online workshop do not log out of session before intended time and ensure daily you check you email for any updates as time goes on.

I therefore urge you to know what this email is meant for before you realize that had wasted time and resources, for a fact this email should make teaching less costly.

For the following resources



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