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Get/Download Grade 1-3 all in one booklet package for assessment for transition from grade 1-3. This booklet combines the three grades in one book for easier management of leaners outcomes and information. This booklet comes with its  cover page. 

Why this booklet

  1. we have separated the inputs for assessment rubrics and leave what is summative in the report booklet
  2. No yearly buying it goes for 3 years consecutive
  3. It is easier to track learners progress 
  4. It has Separated columns for the three terms

********The book is only 51 pages********** Easier to fill within a short period of time. Have your copy today.

Combined Grade 1-3 Assessment Report book (CBC)- Softcopy

    To get/Download Grade 5 schemes of work term 1 2021 click here
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