The Story: The Boss in a Man.

Every man wants to be a boss. Not only at a place of work, but men are naturally bosses inside. They always seek that sense of recognition. That respect. They want that mightiness in them to be recognized even if it is not in them. Desperation comes when they don’t feel important. They experience a sense of hopelessness. In this state, a man is on a thin line between poverty and good life.
Normally, some men loose hope when the boss in them feels low. Some commit suicide when desperation grows into depression. All this happen because they didn’t build their capacity or they cannot recreate their capacity again. These are just being irresponsible. This is being lazy and less innovative. In families where a woman has power over a man, or even more income than a man, there is lack of ‘’boss’’ in that man. There is stress in that man. There is stress in that man even if he may not expose the frustrations. No man wants to be low. No man wants to be less powerful in a house. When such a situation arises in a home, a man may lose track. The man may lose discipline.

Children may lack respect to the father and/or to the society at some extend. I don’t say that ladies don’t induce discipline in their children. The manner in which a frustrated man in a home carries himself, may not win respect. It may lower the level of discipline and respect among children.
There are several situations when a man loses the boss in him and becomes less motivated. It is dangerous when a man loses a job. This is the point where he needs support. Support from his wife, close friends, children and the religious leaders. He needs moral support to boost his esteem.
In this, the wife is the key player and she needs to be wiser in handling her husband. He has lost the boss in him. He feels hopeless. Having less fortune in the society. He feels disrespected. Such men are easily evoked and their emotions easily triggered. The wife should be wise in determining which emotions to trigger.
Other situations are when the woman in the house earns more than the man, or when a woman works and the man jobless. There is always an evil mind running within such a man. There are a series of questions flowing in and out of such a man. He never enjoys the pride of being a boss. The spirit of a boss is never within him. It turns into an insight - an evil spirit always operating beside him. Showing him the privileges and good times he should be enjoying as a boss in that marriage. That family. That company. That car, or even in that meeting.

The spirit always tells him that he is oppressed. Friends may also be tempted to contribute to his desperation when they jokingly mock him of his misfortune as a man. Meeting less responsibilities in the house as a man, demoralizes the boss in him. No man feels a boss when taking tea with no sugar! Providing non spicy meals on his table! When children are sent home for school fees! Being broke in the compound! Not being able to pamper his wife! All these makes a man feel hopeless and irresponsible. All this may result from working but with les or no consistent pay. Working as a cheap labor provider. Or just being lazy...