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POWER BEHIND TSC EMAIL FOR Teachers Across the Country

In the wake of #4IR (Fourth Industrial Revolution) and also the recent Menace of #COVID-19, the Education sector has been impacted largely more so on the negative side. This orchestrated closure of schools at some point and learning was disrupted and even right now learning across major schools in the country is still at stake due the ravaging effects of COVID-19.

To mitigate the consequences of COVID-19 upon learning, Teachers Service Commission (#TSC) has partnered with Microsoft to ensure ensure learning continuity across the country. Through this collaboration all TSC employed teachers across the country have already been created for an email address in the following order: (not real) and a first time log in password(do not create your own). This password should be changed after first log in and create a new password.

Let me assume up to this point your email is activated. Now, how do you log in back? This should worry your. The email address from is a 365 #office for education and therefore it is tied to a specific email service provider.

In order to log in click here or click here or you can download the Office 365 (Microsoft Office) app from Google Play store. Once on the log in page key in Your TSC no and Password and You are in.

NOTE: If you have a PC or Laptop and using Windows version 8 and above launch Microsoft Outlook already preinstalled while installing the office. Ensure you are connected to internet to do this.


Once inside your account. Pause a little bit let me inform you of the Power behind Office 365 Education (TSC has purchased it for you- Remember this package is not free on market) Package that you have Just signed into.

  • If your building a curriculum your work had been made easier by this all in one package.

  • Remote learning is easier with other tools like Team Viewer in the sense that you can collaborate classrooms i.e (1) if you are teaching in a school with more that 1 stream and handling same subject, with Office 365 Education you can collaborate the two stream and Teach them all in one lesson.(2) In #TPAD2 there is a Target area For Participation in Professional learning Community (#PLC)- In this area involves joining of Professional groups e.g. KNEC created groups, KICD learning tools, among others as well as Zonal level subject groupings. With office 365 you can meet online and engage in meaningful discussions.

  • You can also connect with colleagues and share content more easily.

  • Office 365 Education Package is a Digital Notebook for all subjects in one package. You can organize your class materials and easily collaborate with students and colleagues and share the same.

  • Office365 can be accessed anywhere, anytime from anvice. Transfer of a teacher from one station to another doesn't make any change. You can still access your content anywhere, anytime.

  • Office 365 Education is simply a class management tool where you can create classes and groups for Teams basically and #Intune for education. This means you can while you are away, give tasks and notes while you are away as well as issue assessments at you comfort.

With the benefits in mind Office 365 Education comes with the following tools and their importance's as explained:

  1. Word: for document management

  2. Spreadsheet: for analysis, goal seeking, record management, calculations, accounting etc.

  3. presentation: Majorly for classroom presentations and classroom teaching.

  4. Notebook: During old school days, we used to compile our all notes as one booklet using wires and strings to bind together. Not anymore in this century for a teacher. You can organize your notes nicely and topically using One Note (Notebook).

  5. Forms: Will assist in situations where you need to capture data from students and well as parents for some use. To do this you will create a form suitable for your situation.

  6. Quiz tool: This will assist you along way in administering #tests, #assessments for monitoring learners achievement. Imagine a situation where you don't have to stress yourself in marking learners work, since this tool will help create tests and provide answers, the moment the learner finishes it is already marked. #CBC is 100% technology based and 100% practical and therefore this tool will make your work easier in administering assessments and cut costs on many areas. It comes with options of

(1) Choice - for questions with choices. You will provide answers for this to enable marking


(2) Text- questions that require learner to give his opinion or answer e.g. essay


(3) Rating- to check on learners understanding of a given topic, you can ask learners to rate.

(4) Date - This is used when asking questions involving calendar, dates, and months.

(5) Ranking - used for questions that require ordering in terms of priority e.g. ordering months.

(6) Likert - used in questions that require you to gauge learners attitude and opinions abut a topic

(7) File Upload - used in situations where the learner is required to upload evidence for work done.

Eg. in #CBC photos, videos, or project done. Cases here involve holiday assignments and

homework. and lastly,

(8) Net Promoter Score - You will use to get opinions on liking of the course by learners e.g. How

likely can you rate the topic you have just studied?

7. Sway -majorly to be used in creating a storyline inform of pictures.

8. SharePoint - You will us it to create 2 types of sites 1. Team site - for sharing documents,

conversations etc. and 2. Communication Site - for engaging people of topics, events or a project.

9. Teams - will for virtual meetings with either KNEC, TSC, MOE or any other. Last but not least

10. Staff notebook: For managing staff members affairs e.g. welfare contribution among others.


With this move BY TSC at hand teachers are on realm of revolutionizing education sector in Kenya and increase on productivity. Embrace this because as it is common in Evolution of Technology, competition is high and likelihood of being weeded out is high since the bar has been set.

For assistance in offering ICT integration in schools, you may contact us through the contact page of engage us in a discussion on social media to see how to help improve on quality of education through quality content.

For Quality Schemes of work with three Objectives (KSA)- Knowledge, Skill, Attitude



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