Upcoming GRADE 3 Assessment May 2021
Here is how the Grade 3 2020/2021 #MLP will be conducted this after KNEC issued and official communication regarding the same.
This exams should be done after completing the exercise of Integrated Learning assessment (#ILA) and uploaded them to the website.
The Mathematics activities and English activities for regular, hearing impaired, visually impaired and physical disabilities learners will be uploaded on 20th May 2021.
The exams will be accessed from the portal as from 24th May to 28th May 2021 after which it will be administered and later it will uploaded on to the site adhering to the last date of upload which is 3rd June 2021.
To access the Grade 3 exams you will need to type in the web address https://cba.kne.ac.ke to access the assessments and also to upload the results